Nature therapy is inspired by the Japanese practice called Shin-rin Yoku, or Forest Bathing. The practice is a focus on mindfulness and immersion in a natural environment that promotes healing and wellness. By engaging our senses and connecting with the natural world, our bodies can experience many benefits such as improved immune function, cardiovascular and respiratory health, reduced stress and depression, and an increase in energy and focus. 

Time connecting with our senses and our environment helps to grow our relationship with nature, discover a sense of peace, and embrace our undeniable reciprocal bond with the natural world.
A guide will lead the group through a series of sensory based invitations in nature over the course of 2-3 hours. It will be similar to a slow, mindful walk, with pauses for reflection and connection with the group.
The word rewilding is most often associated with an approach to nature conservation. It is about allowing nature to heal itself through reintroducing animal and plant species to their original environments, restoring the earth to its natural rhythms before human intervention.

To me, rewilding humans means helping us reconnect with our most pure selves, our child-like selves, before we were tamed and socialized by our surrounding culture and environment. It is about getting back in touch with the things that make us all human: our connection to nature, our intuition, our creativity, and our interconnectedness with each other. 
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